Control the moment you’re in!

Tasha Angelina Cooney
3 min readMar 14, 2020

What the heck does that even mean???

We all each have our own unique take, perspective.

I like to take life in the here and now, where I feel it’s most tangible. I can’t create from the past, nor can I create from the future. Though one perspective I embody is that the past and future are all happening now in an eternal moment. A never ending flow. If I decide to think on a memory it’s happening now. If I decide on visualizing the future it’s happening now. All things happen for me now.

I got a deep dive into embodying this perspective after listening to Pink Floyd’s ‘A New Machine — part 1 and 2’, I had the songs playing on repeat all day one day. That next morning around 3 am, I was staring into my back yard in Idywilld, California. The whole yard was pitch black but yet I could see everything. As I stared deeply into what seemed like complete blackness I was taken over by the lyrics, taken over by a deep knowing…

Part 1

“I have always been here

I have always looked out from behind these eyes

It feels like more than a lifetime

Feels like more than a lifetime

Sometimes I get tired of the waiting

Sometimes I get tired of being in here

Is this the way it has always been?

Could it ever have been different?

Do you ever get tired of the waiting?

Do you ever get tired of being in there?

Don’t worry, nobody lives forever,

Nobody lives forever”

Part 2

“I will always be here

I will always look out from behind these eyes

It’s only a lifetime

It’s only a lifetime

It’s only a lifetime”

I felt deeply I could never remember a beginning nor ever see an end, and I had a sense that this time around… its only a lifetime of many. And in that ….

“I will always look out from these eyes.”

“I will always”

I will always be… where and I always? Always I am now.

I do plan for the future and take into consideration the past. But I find I have the most power to create now. Now. Now.

One ongoing moment. I only have one moment that I am always experiencing. I can decide to experience this moment how I wish.

There are many options.

The prior versions of Tasha have spent so many moments reliving past moments, dwelling, wishing, regretting or maybe seeking to recreate specific feelings I loved and wanted to experience again. Also, dwelling on thoughts about the future in fear, or confusion, and a bunch of other things less than awesome I’d project to be an outcome to something that’s never even happened.

What if these choices of thought have an impact on the reality I am playing out, what I am creating now? And always now a choice to decide? Not attached to prior moments nor future moments, not attached to now. Just existing and riding the flow of what is here at this moment that I am always choosing to experience or feel as I wish.

What if you could experience life more powerfully than ever before by actively deciding and filtering out what does not serve your highest good? What if you had the ability to let go of anger, sadness, depression, fear, loneliness or other shit feelings at will as soon as you realized you we’re experiencing them? What if instead of playing the character embodying the feelings when they arise you wish you had not spent energy go on, what if by choice and you could change your stage of being not only mentally but physically.

You can with practice. Free Will is yours. Actively practicing I do.

Notice when you have a bad day, everything seems to go wrong? Notice when life is so amazing, it seems like all things are just amazing!

Now what if it’s a bad day but life is still amazing. What if you get fired from your job but you hold the choice to still feel amazing about yourself and find something better. I can puke inspiration all over you that I want. Though until you find a flow that works for you, choices may seem impossible to change and everything could seem all but in your favor. Life happens to you instead of for you.

Though instead of to you… things happening to you… what if you embodied it as if it were all through you and through you, you could filter the bullshit and decide all happens for you.

I find the key is, choice, perspective.

