The Journey To I

Tasha Angelina Cooney
3 min readMar 14, 2020

Of all the gifts in the world to give and to receive, the most valuable are those I give to myself. The more I give to me, the more I am able to give to others.

The more I understand of me, the more I understand of you. It is only through what I understand of me that allows me to understand you.

Only through the love I carry and explore with me, can I carry and explore with you.

Through all I navigate and experience: one thing remains constant for me — who am I in the moment?

How can I remain at peace with myself and in control of my emotions so I can serve as a vessel of healing for others, healing for you.

Though the work starts with me, it’s not about me. It is about those I impact and how I show up for them. I improve myself so I can improve you. I am a reflection, reflecting back you. I carry my responsibility greatly.

I share my insights and lessons to those who want to listen so they too can experience the impact they’ve had on my life. The tools I’ve gathered and the awareness I’ve mastered and are still mastering… are powerful. I know. And how exciting of how much more is to realize and learn of myself and of you.

The less judgements I judge of me, the less judgments I have towards you.

All reactions stem from past experiences I find. The more I practice present awareness, metacognition, I remain to be neutral and open, more perspectives reveal within.

To improve myself for you. To prepare as a solid foundation for all I create before I pass this lifetime. The inner work and improvement is now at all times. To recognize me for you.

I’ve been preparing my entire life, and this has been decided as far as I can remember. My dreams, my visions, my deep knowing when I was a child. It was then I decided. It was then I knew, all I do for me is because all I will do for you. As I become more connected to myself I become more connected to you.

As I release past trauma, fears, illusions and unworthiness of myself I open to unlimited strength to stand as a solid foundation to handle all things that present themselves to me. The more aware I am in this moment, the more I come back to now… reminding myself that now is the place I can create from, I restore power to the possibility of what I came here to create. By my definition I create the meaning. The meaning of what I want my life to mean.

I’m connecting deeper to the guidance within myself, listening instead of running, or doubting and denying. I deserve it. You deserve it. I want to share and you want to receive.

I let it in, I feel the pain, the sadness, the beauty, I honor and respect all that comes through, then I decide… decide the definition, decide the path. Decide how I. experience the journey.

Through all things; tragic, sad, exciting, happy… I decide the feeling, I decide the lesson, I decide the meaning. And when I get off track and slip up… it’s okay. It’s okay… I am what I define and the only impact on my definition is me. I learn through others, but when the lights go out at night and it is only I in my mind with my body, I am the one that impacts my thoughts.

Beyond all opinions of others, I follow I. I follow I for you. The foundation for what I am building with you.

I feel and see the bigger vision, but I may not know all the steps. But I do know guidance is gifted, gifted through gifting myself, forgiving myself, accepting myself, sharing myself and what I know to be true.

To stand as a powerful force for you, and for my future family, all I do is for you.

The gifts I give onto myself, are gifts for you.

The journey to I, leads me to you.

